- Academic English (Social Sciences) I OR English for Academic Studies (Social Sciences) I
- Academic English (Social Sciences) II OR English for Academic Studies (Social Sciences) II
- Chinese Communication for College Students (Cantonese Version) C OR Chinese Communication for College Students (Putonghua Version) C OR Elementary Chinese E & C ~
- Self Understanding and Communication Skills E & C
- 通識教育必要元素(非學分)
- Academic Integrity
- National Education
2-3科選修科 *# (從下列學科範疇選擇)
- Chinese History and Culture
- Cultures, Organisations, Societies and Globalisation
- Human Nature, Relations and Development
- Language and Communication
- Science, Technology and Environment
- Foundation Placement E & C
- Hong Kong Society E & C
- Human Behaviour and Social Environment
- Introduction to Psychology
- Introduction to Social Work
- Introduction to Sociology
- Management in Human Services
- Preparatory Workshop I - Foundation Placement E & C
- Preparatory Workshop II - Professional Placement E & C
- Professional Placement E & C
- Social Welfare, Social Services and Social Policy in Hong Kong E & C
- Social Work Practice Workshop E & C
- Social Work Theory and Practice E & C
- Working with Groups, Communities and Organisations E & C
- Working with Individuals and Families E & C
1科選修科# (從下列科目選擇)
- Ageing and Social Work E & C
- Children and Social Work E & C
- Disadvantaged Communities and Social Work E & C
- Rehabilitation and Social Work E & C
- Substance Abuse and Social Work E & C
- Youth and Social Work E & C