Earn a Bachelor's Honours Degree Awarded by PolyU in 4 Years

PolyU HKCC 2-year Sub-degree + PolyU SPEED 2-year Bachelor's Degree

PolyU HKCC and PolyU SPEED offer a well-planned pathway to HKCC students who, after completing a 2-year AD or HD programme, can articulate to a SPEED's 2-year honours degree programme – so as to earn a Bachelor's Honours Degree awarded by PolyU with a professional orientation of their choice.

HKCC students to receive early Conditional Offer from SPEED (Applicable to HKCC new intake)

To help HKCC students plan in advance for their further studies, SPEED will offer each HKCC student a Conditional Offer of Admission. Providing that an HKCC student meets the requirements of the Conditional Offer of Admission at the end of his/her first year of studies at HKCC, he/she will be given a Conditional Offer of Admission to a SPEED honours degree programme.

The Conditional Offer is based on the student's current programme of study in HKCC matched to a PolyU-SPEED Award programme of a related discipline (except those students on academic / disciplinary probation).

2+2 Articulation Examples 

KONG Cheuk-man     

  • 2022 Graduate of Associate in Design (Visual Communication)
  • Articulated into PolyU SPEED's Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media and Communication Design

Cheuk-man took visual arts as an elective subject in secondary school, and was particularly interested in graphic design. Even though he scored 19 points in DSE, he gave up his chance to enrol in a university programme that he was not interested in. Instead, he chose to study at PolyU HKCC.

Cheuk-man praised the lecturers at PolyU HKCC for caring about students' further study. "They knew that I loved graphic design and advised me to follow the '2+2' pathway to further my study with PolyU SPEED's BA (Hons) in Media and Communication Design because it offered graphic design subjects that would suit my needs. Besides, being awarded by PolyU, the degree had high recognition." 

Cheuk-man also pointed out that PolyU HKCC's sub-degree programmes were closely linked with PolyU SPEED's bachelor's degree programmes. "During my associate degree studies, I acquired knowledge and skills in graphic design and in short film production, making it easier for me to study related advanced subjects at the degree level."

Some PolyU HKCC lecturers also teach PolyU SPEED programmes, so they understand clearly the needs of students from PolyU HKCC and teach them according to their abilities, thereby enabling these students to adapt more easily to the learning and teaching of degree programmes, not the least in making good use of the learning facilities of the design studios.

CHAN Yik-tung     

  • 2021 Graduate of Associate in Information Technology
  • Articulated into PolyU SPEED's Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Sciences (Information Systems and Web Technologies)

After graduating from HKCC, Yik-tung articulated to PolyU SPEED via the "2+2" pathway, hoping to lay a foundation for her further study and career. She said while competition among sub-degree students for UGC-funded places was fierce, the "2+2" pathway guarantees PolyU HKCC students an articulation opportunity by automatically granting them a conditional offer of admission to PolyU SPEED.

Yik-tung said the professionally oriented programmes of PolyU SPEED could facilitate students' career development. For example, with e-commerce gaining much popularity in the IT industry in recent years, the School requires students to complete an e-commerce group assignment and acquire other basic knowledge as early as the first semester, which would be very helpful for her future career in software engineering and web development.

Yik-tung said another feature of PolyU SPEED programmes was that students should complete a 300-hour internship. "The internship requirement stipulated by the School can help satisfy employers' expectations of graduates' work experience and facilitate our entry into the workforce."


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