Mean2 Lower Quartile Upper Quartile Highest
Associate Degree Scheme in Humanities and Communication
Associate in Chinese Language and Literature
14.47 13 16 22
Associate in English for Professional Communication
13.65 12 15 18
Associate in Language and Culture
13.42 12 15 19
Associate in Language and Digital Communication
13.18 11 15 19
Associate in Public Relations and Communication
13.84 12 15 18
Associate in Translation and Interpretation
14.18 12 16 20
Associate of Arts
14.84 14 16 21
Associate Degree Scheme in Science and Technology
Associate in Engineering
14.83 13 16 20
Associate in Information Technology
14.12 13 16 19
Associate in Statistics and Data Science
15.07 13.25 17 22
Associate of Science
15.12 14 16 20
Associate Degree Scheme in Applied Social Sciences
Associate in Applied Social Sciences
14.08 12 15 21
Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Counselling for Social Services)
13.26 12 15 19
Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Psychology)
13.57 12 15 19
Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Social Policy and Administration)
14.60 13 16.5 19
Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Sociology and Culture)
13.96 12.75 15.25 17
Associate Degree Scheme in Business
Associate in Business
14.58 13 16 19
Associate in Business (Accounting)
15.01 13 17 20
Associate in Business (Business Management)
14.11 12 16 19
Associate in Business (Finance)
14.33 13 16 20
Associate in Business (Hospitality Management)
13.38 11 15 20
Associate in Business (Human Resources Management)
13.77 12 15 18
Associate in Business (International Business)
13.99 12 16 19
Associate in Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
13.12 12 14 16
Associate in Business (Marketing)
14.27 13 16 19
Associate in Business (Tourism Management)
12.88 11 14.75 18
Associate Degree Scheme in Design
Associate in Design (Advertising Design)
14.85 13 16 19
Associate in Design (Environment and Interior Design)
14.58 12.75 17 18
Associate in Design (Moving Image and Interaction Design)
14.50 13 16 22
Associate in Design (Visual Communication)
15.06 14 17 19
Standalone Programmes
Associate in Health Studies
15.74 15 17 20
Associate in Surveying and Built Environment
14.84 13 17 19
Higher Diploma in Social Work
15.94 15 17 20
Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
14.00 12 16 17
Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering
13.46 13 15 18
Higher Diploma in Aircraft Services Engineering
14.00 12 16 18


  1. The minimum general entrance requirements for sub-degree programmes are five subjects at Level 2 or above (including Chinese Language and English Language) in the HKDSE Examination or equivalent. If one of the five HKDSE subjects is the Citizenship and Social Development subject, the minimum entrance requirement would become "Attained (A)" for CS subject and Level 2 or above in four other HKDSE subjects (including Chinese Language and English Language) or equivalent.
  2. The mean of HKDSE scores is calculated from the sum of five subjects including Chinese Language, English Language. The calculation of total scores using Common Scoring System is as follows:
    HKDSE Level Score HKDSE Level Score
    5** 7 3 3
    5* 6 2 2
    5 5 1 1
    4 4 Unclassified 0
  3. The above information is also available on Education Bureau’s official website: Concourse for Self-financing Post-secondary Education.
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